July 31st, 2012; By Gale Blaylock
Apprenticeship is an agreement between a person who wants to learn a skill, (an apprentice), and an employer who needs a skilled worker. Apprenticeship is a proven industry-based training system […]

July 31st, 2012; By Jamie Hadland
So, summer vacation is almost over, and you long to spend the last few weeks hanging with friends, soaking up the sun, holding hands with your sweetheart and thinking as […]

July 31st, 2012; By Giulio Rocco
Finishing Your Community Hours in the Summer with Sports. When youʼre loving the summer, the last thing you want to think about is school especially completing those mandatory volunteer hours […]

July 31st, 2012; By Laurel Walsh
Very few clubs can claim to span the entire planet Earth, with members from Iceland to Antarctica. Few non-governmental organizations can hold a seat in the United Nations, too. So which club does? Which […]