STEM Jobs of the Future

Most of you probably know who Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison were, but you might not have heard of the famous mathematicians, John Nash or the ancient Greek scholar, Archimedes. Do you know what these people have in common? They were all part of a field of work often known as STEM, which includes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Work in these fields has always been important, and they are a good choice for anyone with a creative but disciplined mind and the ability to see how far their work can go.
People like Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison are famous for a very good reason. They knew a lot of theory, but they also helped to change people’s everyday lives. Long winter evenings would be very different without Edison’s light bulb, for example. The value of work that mathematicians do is less obvious, but their discoveries make all kinds of other work possible. Without mathematics, for example, engineering would be impossible. Without engineers, we would have no bridges or tall buildings. Their calculations make it possible to build many of the towers and other structures we now have.
Training for work in STEM jobs normally involves a high level of education. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is normally necessary for work in these fields, and usually a master’s degree or PhD is required. The most specialized training is in engineering, where students learn to apply their education to building bridges and other structures. Other STEM fields of study lead to work in areas such as computer sciences, statistics, and agriculture. For many people, this involves further studies beyond a basic bachelor’s degree. With this training, they can become qualified to work in many different areas of society.
Workplaces for people in STEM jobs can be in offices, universities, and laboratories. They might work with test tubes inside a building or travel around the country, collecting samples of soil or testing the water for anything that might harm the environment. Many people with training in STEM fields also become teachers or university professors, where they pass on their knowledge to others.
STEM training can help in many areas of life. In biology and biomedical sciences, for example, research results can affect how doctors treat illnesses. Studies in mathematics can lead to work in gathering and analyzing statistical information, which can help people in government and many other fields to plan for the future. With so much variety in workplaces, salaries also vary. Low-level STEM jobs start at about $36,000 per year, but high-paid jobs can reach over $120,000 per year.
What kinds of people work in STEM jobs? In the past, men tended to take most of the jobs in this field, and that can still often be the case. However, women are starting to become more involved in the work, and many of them are becoming well known in their fields. Do these kinds of jobs appeal to you? Working towards a career in STEM fields can be a good choice for the future.
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