Don’t Fall Into a Routine

While routines can be helpful sometimes, when it comes to school a routine can often quickly become a rut. If you’re starting to feel the October doldrums, when the reality of your schedule, homework requirements and extracurriculars start to really set in, try switching it up a bit by taking some time for yourself. Go for a walk, hang out with friends or go to see a movie. Keep your brain active and ready to tackle your schoolwork by giving it a little free time, too.
Here at, we are keeping things fresh by preparing to add some new sections to the site that will give you even more insight into the jobs of the future. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is a rapidly growing career area and we are getting ready to add a section to JPD that will give you front-row access to some of the best careers in STEM.
As always, our scholarships section has been updated this month with some brand new opportunities for you to get some free money to fund your education. If you’re in post-secondary for the first time, it’s not too late to get some applications in and grab that free cash.
Have a great October and a Happy Halloween!
Jasmin Bollman
Content Editor
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