Career Profile: Team Mascot

Career Profile: Team Mascot

by Susan Huebert
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

If you enjoy sports, you probably know the names of many of the players on your favourite team. You might know some of the coaches, and possibly the cheerleaders. How much do you know about the team’s mascot? Even if you know nothing about the person’s name, you probably know how good the mascot can make you and other fans feel.

Helping people enjoy a sports event is what team mascots do- they lift your spirits high and encourage team support. They lead people in cheers, do special tricks, or otherwise try to get people excited about the game. Most professional teams in sports like basketball, football, and basketball have official mascots. Some amateur teams might have them, as well as special teams and clubs. Canada also has an Olympic mascot named Komak the Moose.

If you want to work as a team mascot, you can already start to look for openings. You can check with sports teams to find out about the possibilities for work. Talent agencies can be useful since they often have e-mail lists with job openings.

No special education is required for becoming a team mascot, but training is helpful. Team mascots might have to dance, jump through burning hoops, or perform all kinds of other athletic tricks. Learning how to do these tricks safely can help keep people from getting hurt. If you have a positive attitude, love sports culture and fun, this is a fun job. Whether the team wins or loses, the mascot’s job is the same.

Staying healthy and in good shape is extremely important. Mascots might have to spend many hours each week running, lifting weights, and doing other physical training.

Professional sports teams travel a lot to compete with teams from other regions. Normally, team mascots go along with the teams. For some mascots, this might mean that they are away from home for several months every year. Since most sports are seasonal, they might have a few months of frequent travel, followed by months of no work at all. The salary for mascots can also vary widely. Some mascots receive only about $25,000 per year, but others can be paid $100,000 or even more. In some cases, it can be a part time or fulltime job.

Creating your mascot trademark is important. Most mascots wear costumes that can be heavy and hot to wear, but they still have to be able to move around and to do whatever will make people notice them. Some mascots might develop special techniques, such as doing somersaults or back flips. Others might use funny gestures or find other ways to draw people into the game. Over time, mascots can also change and develop their style, with the direction of the team’s marketing department.

Creativity and special skills are important for team mascots. Being able to sew and to alter costumes can be valuable, and other special skills are also useful.





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