June 26th, 2015; By Teodora Pasca
L’argent ne devrait jamais, sous aucun prétexte, être une barrière à surmonter afin de recevoir une éducation, pourtant la réalité dicte autrement pour de nombreux étudiants. Faisant face à des […]

June 26th, 2015; By Teodora Pasca
Money should not, under any circumstances, serve as a barrier to education, yet the reality for many students can be quite different. Faced with consistently increasing tuition, student fees, and […]

June 26th, 2015; By Isabella Thorsen
Durant l’hiver, que se passe-t-il? Nous restons à l’intérieur, car il fait froid. Que faisons-nous lorsque nous somme à l’intérieur? Nous regardons la télévision et passons notre temps à naviguer […]

June 26th, 2015; By Isabella Thorsen
Tout au long de la vie, nous avons tous, à l’occasion, besoin d’aide. Que ce soit un jeune enfant qui append à marcher ou à parler, ou un adolescent qui […]

June 26th, 2015; By Teodora Pasca
I received my first cell phone when I was 10 years old. It was an old-fashioned flip phone with a traditional number pad (the kind you have to press repeatedly […]

June 26th, 2015; By Susan Huebert
Some people love to shop by themselves or with friends. Others, however, find the process very tiring or boring, or they might be too busy to spend much time on […]

June 26th, 2015; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
These days, if you wish to get your foot in the door of prestigious colleges and universities and high-profile companies, you need more than a remarkably written application letter and […]