Getting Ready for Back-to-School

Tips for making a smooth transition out of summer:
Summer is a wonderful time: long lazy days filed with sunshine, amusement park rides, and drippy ice cream cones. With all that loveliness, it’s easy to get swept up in the fun and forget that, however unfortunately, every summer comes to an end.
Back-to-school is just around the corner, and surely, many of you are already excitedly counting down the days (right?) But even if you’re dreading the thought of being back in a classroom and doing (groan) homework, it’s better to be prepared when September rolls around.
Here are some suggestions for getting organized and on top of things so that you can smooth the transition between summer and the school year. (Hint: your parents can help you with some of these, too.)
Befriend your bedtime
Chances are you’ve been sleeping in a lot since the summer started, and it’s great that you’ve been getting some extra rest. But the school day starts bright and early, so make sure you can wake up on time while still getting the sleep you need. During the last two weeks of August, you can gradually adjust your schedule to fit an earlier bedtime—and earlier wake-up. Every couple days, try setting your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier than the last.
Lunch and learn
You might need a packed lunch when school starts, and why bore yourself with PB&J every day? Go through some recipe books with your parents and put together a list of lunches that are healthy, easy to make, and delicious. Preparing lunch the night before can be a fun activity if you do it as a family, and with a shortlist handy, you’ll have something to look forward to on every school day.
Shop savvy
Back-to-school sales can offer some great bargains, but they can also be chaotic if you don’t have a game plan. Be prepared for your shopping day by looking through your school supplies now and making a clear list of what you need. If there’s anything you can buy early (and that won’t be cheaper around Labour Day), take the time to go shopping before the crowds hit the stores.
Goals and dreams
You had a fantastic time all summer, and now it’s time to get back to work. Think about all the things you enjoyed in the last school year, and what you want to try in the coming months. For example, if you didn’t try out for a sports team and regretted it all year, why not give it a shot this time around? By picking a few things to look forward to in the coming school year, by the end of the summer, you’ll be well rested and ready for action.
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