Unusual Scholarships

So, you’re a student in need of money. Your grades aren’t the highest things in the world and you haven’t really had the time to join any school clubs or societies. Sure, there are part-time jobs, but unless you work just as much as you study there isn’t really much to be said in terms of income. Well, lucky for you, there are some crazy cool (and crazy strange) scholarships available to students studying in Canada.
At Redeemer University College in Ancastar, Ontario, and The King’s University in Edmonton, Alberta, there is a scholarship you can receive called The Voortman Cookies Bursary. If you meet all the minimum requirements as a student and have a parent who is currently employed with Voortman Cookies, you’re eligible to win $2,000 at Redeemer’s and $500 at King’s. It just got way better having a parent in the cookie industry.
World Ringette Championship Bursary is handed out to students of Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, for demonstrating financial need and being a part of a recognized Ringette Association in Ontario at any time prior to their studies at the university.
Stuck at Prom is a really great way to earn some money should you be fashion inclined. You submit your photos of either you solo or you and a partner in prom gear made entirely from duck -tape. Should you win, you’re looking at a $10,000 cheque with your name on it. The official rule book can be found here: http://stuckatprom.com/how-it-works/official-rules/
If you’re an artsy kind of student living in the United States, Canada, or Mexico, you’re eligible to apply for the annual Jay Kennedy Scholarship. You submit eight pieces of original cartoon drawings to a panel of judges and if your stuff is chosen you just won yourself $5,000. The deadline for this guy is actually December 15, 2015, so, you’ve got plenty of time left.
This one may not be as exciting as the cookie scholarship but it certainly takes the cake for scholarship funding. Le Cordon Bleu Scholarship Award is handed out to those who take cooking seriously. If you win the award you’ll not only be given a fully funded placement in the Diplome de Cuisine program at Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute, but you’ll also earn yourself a paid internship working alongside renowned Chef Yannick Anton. This scholarship is worth a whopping $30,000.
So, hey. If you have a talent or passion for cooking or doodling eight comics worth of material for a panel of judges, you never know. There could be a scholarship waiting right around the corner for you.
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