February 2016 Scholarships: Apply Now!

University In-Course Scholarships (St. Francis Xavier)
• students with an average of 85%* are automatically guaranteed an entrance scholarship worth at least $5,000
• Students must submit a completed application for admission to the university along with a first term/semester grade 12 transcript and supporting documents where necessary before the March 1st deadline to be considered for any scholarship listed below.
• No separate application is required unless specified.
• Scholarship averages are based on the 5 course requirements for each individual program.
Deadline: (March 1st, 2016)
Information via www.yconic.ca
Start Something with Alesse Contest
Two $5,000 prizes and eight (8) $500 prizes available to help you bring your idea to life. Simply tell us your idea in 800 characters or less!
Deadline: ( February 7th, 2016)
Information via www.yconic.ca
RBC Students Leading Change Scholarship
• Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents
• Graduating high school students and current post-secondary students who will be enrolled full-time in a publicly funded Canadian university or college in the fall 2016 academic term
• Minimum cumulative GPA equivalent to a 70% average
Deadline: (February 23rd, 2016)
Information via www.yconic.ca
Student Bursary Contest presented by yconic and Scotiabank
Don’t miss this opportunity to find out how a ScotiaLine® Personal Line of Credit for Students can make your student life a little easier – and you could win† big at the same time.
• One (1) of six (6) $500 monthly cash prizes from September 2015 to February 2016;
• A chance to win† a $5,000 cash bursary when you apply and are approved for a ScotiaLine® Personal Line of Credit for Students.
Deadline: ( February 29th, 2016)
Information via www.yconic.ca
NASA Space Settlement Contest
Students up to Grade 12 (maximum of 18 years old) from anywhere in the world.
– Submit a space settlement design and related materials
– May enter as an individual or as part of a team
Deadline: ( March 1st, 2016)
Information via www.yconic.ca
Fairleigh Dickinson University – Vancouver, Canada and International Entrance Scholarship
Amount: $2,700.00 to $13,500.00 USD.
Awarded to academically talented applicants from around the world. Scholarships may be awarded to students who have the equivalent of a 3.00 or higher secondary school grade point average and a TOEFL score of at least 550.
Jobin Mojtabavi Assistant Director of Admissions
Information via www.scholarshipscanada.com
Ornge-AgustaWestland Endowment Fund for Aboriginal and Northern Learners
Individuals who have been residents of Northern Ontario for 3 consecutive years prior to the application date and satisfied the OSAP provincial residency requirements. Preference will be given to individuals fulfilling the above and who self-identify as First Nations, Métis or Inuit.
Amount: $1750
Awards are given out each year.
Information via www.scholarshipscanada.com
Nova Scotia Recycles Grade 12 Scholarship Essay Competition
Deadline: Postmarked by February 26, 2016
Value: Provincial Winner – $5,000 Scholarship; Regional Winner: $1,500 scholarships (1 per region); Regional Runners-up: $750 Scholarships (1 per region)
Students in Grade 12 are invited to submit a research essay for a chance to win a scholarship. Each scholarship winner will also receive a backpack filled with promotional items and an invitation to the regional awards celebration to be held in the Spring of 2016.
Information via http://schools.ednet.ns.ca/avrsb/071/mhatt/SchoBurAwardschart.htm
Jr. Achievement’s Clearwater Innovation Award
Deadline: February 15, 2016
Value: $2000
This contest is for achievers and alumni of Junior Achievement of Nova Scotia between the ages of 14 and 24 years old (on January 21, 2016). To enter the contest, eligible contestants must complete a contest entry form along with providing a 250 word briefing document on their product or service idea (typed).
If you have questions, comments or complaints, please contact JA at 902-454-4565 or by email at info@janovascotia.ca
Information via http://schools.ednet.ns.ca/avrsb/071/mhatt/SchoBurAwardschart.htm
UNB Scholarship Info
Deadline: (March 1st, 2016)
To be considered for scholarship support at UNB, students must submit a scholarship application. This one online application covers the majority of scholarships for both campuses (approx. 450 different awards).
Information via http://schools.ednet.ns.ca/avrsb/071/mhatt/SchoBurAwardschart.htm
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