NEADS Event Calendar: May 2016

Organizer: Richmond Centre for Disability
Title: 2016 Invisible Illness Awareness Forum
Category: Education
Location: Richmond, British Columbia
Date: May 14, 2016
Telephone: 604-232-2404
Web site:
Description: In 2015, the RCD hosted a Panel Forum to explore the notion of “Relationship and Disability”; we then realized how powerful and poignant this topic is. Basically it is hitting very close to home. This year we want to carry the theme further to involve inputs from participants, and this becomes the key cornerstone of this event.
DATE: Saturday May 14th 2016, 11 AM to 4 PM
VENUE: Richmond City Hall – Council Chambers
THEME: Relationships and Disability / Chronic Illness
FOCUS: “Intimacy” What has changed? What do we miss? How to move forward?
STYLE: A safe, nonjudgmental and collaborative discussion session
HIGHLIGHTS: Free Admission, Lunch Included, Door Prizes
Organizer: Disability Resource Network of British Columbia
Title: The Disability Resource Network of British Columbia for Post-Secondary Education 33rd Annual Conference
Category: Education
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Date: May 17, 2016 – May 18, 2016
Web site:
Description: The Disability Resource Network of British Columbia for Post-Secondary Education 33rd Annual Conference – “Great Expectations: The Post-Secondary Challenge”
To register and for more information follow this link:
Organizer: Canadian Disability Studies Association (CDSA)
Title: Canadian Disability Studies Association (CDSA) conference – University of Calgary
Category: Education
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Date: May 28, 2016 – May 30, 2016
Web site:
Description: About the conference:
The Canadian Disability Studies Association-Association Canadienne des Études sur l’Incapacité (CDSA-ACÉI) conference will be held at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta from Saturday, May 28 to Monday, May 30, 2016, as part of the Congress of the Humanities 2016.
The conference brings together critical scholarship, arts, and activism that treats disability as a site rich for socio-political engagement, and as a culture, community, and a vibrant way of being in the world. The work presented at this conference thinks about disability, Deafness, and Mad-identity in relation to themes as diverse as neoliberalism, community building, sexuality, race and colonial relation, Indignity, citizenship, culture, sport, policy, religion, art, family relations, fashion, war, and futurity.
Organizer: Hamilton Mad Students Collective
Title: Hamilton Mad Students Collective – Wellness Recovery Action Plan at McMaster University
Category: Education
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Date: May 28, 2016 – May 29, 2016
Description: Hamilton Mad Students Collective – Wellness Recovery Action Plan© self-help group at McMaster!
Are you a student (or soon to be student) who experiences mental health difficulties or distress?
Do you want to learn more about wellness tools and how to incorporate them into your life?
Join a free 2 day educational Wellness Recovery Action Plan© self-help group at McMaster!
Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29 from 10-5pm.
@McMaster (email to register and for room location)
Organizer: Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers
Title: The 2016 CACEE National Conference – Montreal
Category: Employment
Location: Montreal, Quebec
Date: May 29, 2016 – June 1, 2016
Telephone: 1-866-922-3303
Web site:
Description: The 2016 CACEE National Conference will be held at the Le Centre Sheraton Hotel in Montreal, Quebec. This four-day, May 29 – June 1, annual conference will bring together 200 employers, career services professionals, and co-op educators from across Canada.
Organizer: University of Guelph
Title: The Guelph Accessibility Conference
Category: Education
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Date: May 30, 2016 – June 1, 2016
Telephone: 519-767-5000
Web site:
Description: The Guelph Accessibility Conference
In Letter and Spirit: Realizing the vision of the AODA
Monday to Wednesday, May 30 to 31, 2016
University of Guelph
Join the 2016 Accessibility Conference
• Conference Sessions – Monday and Tuesday May 30 and 31
• AllyCamp – Tuesday, May 31
• Workshops – Wednesday, June 1
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