Employment Resources and Information for Students with Disabilities: Ontario and Nation Wide

Are you looking for employment or a part-time job? Are you ready to integrate yourself into the workforce and make a difference? Maybe you are getting ready to graduate from school and want to make some money? Finding employment can be hard for anyone, especially in today’s economy. You want to make sure that you have all the skills and knowledge at hand before you immerse yourself into the workforce.
Below are some helpful resources and links to aide you in your search for employment in Ontario, and also national resources to help you understand any barriers or obstacles you need to overcome:
Equity and Inclusion (the Government of Canada)
Before you get started, it would be useful for you to read over what your rights are when it comes to inclusion in the workplace. This web-page lists resources that will help you understand your rights, and what you are entitled to- disability or not.
Best Practices for Home-Based Workers with Disabilities
Are you interested in working from home? Some people with disabilities prefer to work at home, due to different workplace barriers. This web-page gives you tips and things to ask yourself before you begin your work at home.
Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities
“The Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities is a federally incorporated non-profit dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job retention, and advancement of current and future professionals with disabilities.”
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
This web-page is dedicated to helping “any job seeker with a disability in Toronto”. It lists resources and information on employment counselling, job placement, job retention, assistive technology, and networking.
Link Up Employment Services for Personas with Disabilities
Vision and Mission Statement:
“Coordination of the access of persons with disabilities to the full range of available employment programs, services and opportunities across the province of Ontario, with special focus on the Greater Toronto and York Region communities.”
“Development and delivery of programs and services to address gaps and meet consumer needs and demands in collaboration with our community and labour market partners.”
March of Dimes (Canada Wide)
The March of Dimes is a great resource for individuals with physical disabilities in Canada. Their employment services can help you find the job that is right for you.
PATH Employment Services
PATH is an employment organization dedicated to helping those with disabilities transition into the workplace and stay in it. It is an award winning organization. Their head office is based in Hamilton, Ontario.
WORKink Ontario provides job searching tools and articles for persons with disabilities.
Check JPD’s Community section regularly for resource updates and information on employment and transitioning into the workplace!
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