International Scholarships

A large bulk of Canada’s student population—in addition to the actual base population—is made up of immigrants and international students. But going to a university or college in another country always means one major thing: hiked up international tuition fees. While Canada can offer some great education to those who may not have the same opportunities in their own countries, the price isn’t cheap. Luckily there are some significant scholarships up for grabs geared specifically to international students.
International Undergraduates Scholarships within Canada
Humber College International Entrance Scholarships
Divided throughout the school’s three semesters per year, international scholarships here are awarded based on serious consideration of academics, reference letters, statement of interest and community involvement. In other words, the best get the money. There are scholarships awarded that amount to between $1,000 and $5,0000, and even full tuition. The latter is only awarded to three students throughout the year, so that’s the one to shoot for. These scholarships are both entry and Bachelor’s Degree Scholarships.
York University International Student Scholarship Program
With scholarships up for grabs for both undergraduates and graduate students, there are entry, continuing student scholarships and bursaries to apply for if you are an international student. York students are encouraged to set up a Student Financial Profile to be aware of the selection and application processes.
University of British Columbia Scholarships for International Students
Vancouver is one of the best cities to live in if you are an international student. UBC offers individual entry scholarships totalling in $40,000 over four years. That’s $10,000 per year, which is some of the best money in Canada hands down.
Carleton University Entrance Scholarships for International Students
As long as you have an admission average of between 80-84.9% or 85-89.9%–depending on what you apply for—you could be eligible for Carleton University scholarships amounting to between $1,000 and $8,000.
International Graduate Scholarships within Canada
These four schools boast some of the best scholarships within Canada for international students pursuing either a Masters degree or a Doctorate degree. These are awarded based on your previous undergraduate success, work experience, references, and personal essays. These take more time to apply for than the above—apart from the entrance scholarships—but oftentimes the amount you can receive from a single university can be higher within the graduate sphere.
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships
University of Waterloo International Master’s and Doctoral Student Awards
University of Calgary Graduate Awards
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