March 1st, 2017; By Gavin Mercier
Everyone has regrets, no matter what they say. We all have at least one thing we regret doing – maybe it’s something you said, or maybe it’s even something you […]

March 1st, 2017; By Gavin Mercier
First, the obvious answer: you aren’t getting enough sleep. The ideal length of your sleep should be from 7-8 hours. But getting enough sleep isn’t the only thing that contributes […]

March 1st, 2017; By Erin Kelly
Medical laboratory assistants are also known as medical laboratory technicians, and as the name implies, these health care professionals work in medical laboratories. There is some overlap in the roles […]

March 1st, 2017; By Gavin Mercier
At first, getting your 40 hours of community service might seem like a chore. But over the course of 4 years, 40 hours might just be achieved from your everyday […]

March 1st, 2017; By Jingwei Chen
Cardiovascular perfusion is probably one of those health care professions you have never heard of. These individuals are an integral member of open-heart and thoracic surgery teams. Now let’s dive […]

March 1st, 2017; By Mariann Roberts
Imagine one of your classmates went up to the front of the room right now and gave a ten-minute presentation. Immediately after the presentation, would you be able to confidently […]