Spring has Sprung

The snow is gone and the flowers are budding; it is Spring again. Spring is a time of renewal and there are many ways to take advantage of it; going for walks, riding your bike, reading or playing sports in the park. It is also a great time to start preparing and thinking about applying for spring and summer jobs. In JPD this month, we have a number of articles on how to get your resume ready, how to prepare for interviews, how to create the best cover letter, and what companies or co-op programs might be looking for in an applicant.
Next month, we will be featuring some articles from co-op students around the country. They will be sharing their personal experiences from their chosen programs and hopefully, helping others make decisions on what to look for in a co-op program. Co-op programs are great opportunities to learn different trades and skills hands-on. If you are interested in sharing your story and experience, send us an email at JPDeditor@magiclanternmedia.com .
Stay tuned!
Erin Lynne Bouman
Content Editor
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