Bringing the World Together a Word at a Time: A Career Profile of Interpreters and Translators
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The globalization of our world has brought many countries and cultures together. The many different languages of those countries continue to act as a barrier – two people could have so much in common and make an amazing team, but if they do not speak one another’s languages, that potential is lost. This is where interpreters and translators step in to break down that barrier. To begin a journey down that career path, there are several important things to keep in mind.
The two jobs are similar, but are carried out in different ways. Translators are focused on changing the language of a document. These documents can be very different and come from many different topics. This offers great flexibility, as it provides the choice of working from home and deciding how many hours, i.e. how many documents, to take on. Translators are given the chance to read a great variety of material and constantly learn new things.
Interpreters, on the other hand, are translating what people are saying as they are saying it. This could be in a courthouse or medical setting, and could be a variety of locations from day to day. Once again, this allows for flexibility in hours, but can be very difficult work. Though many people speak more than one language, it can be very challenging to listen to someone speak with one language, change that into another language in your mind as they say it, and then share that translation with another person.
Translators in Canada have salaries ranging from $32,335 to $64,814, with the median being $49,018. Interpreters have hourly rates from $17.54 to $39.15, with the median being $21.99. Many people typically start as a translator, as these jobs can be found online and all work can be done from home, and then move on to be both. Translation work is ideal for students still making their way through school, as they can do it from the same laptop they are using for their studies.
Those who are fluent in a second language, likely the one their family speaks, have a huge advantage in this field. Yet that alone does not guarantee a career. To do so, it is necessary to get the right certification. In Canada, the organizations that provide certification are all part of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists, and Interpreters Council, or CTTIC. This means passing exams and years of study, as well as choosing a specific certification, such as conference interpreter, court interpreter, or terminologist. Studying languages in university can be of great help, as well as any experience that can be obtained – even volunteer work.
Interpreters and translators are crucial for a world that has been brought together through technology. Without them, the language barrier would be too great. It is a rewarding career path that allows one to meet many different people, have flexible hours, and even work from home. It requires a lot of hard work, concentration, and years of study and practice. If interpreting and translating sound intriguing, focus on your second language and try to find volunteer or online work to get started. These are the first steps down a wonderful career path that removes barriers for people all over the world.
Sources :
“How to become a certified translator in Canada.” LinguaGreca.
“Interpreter Salary.” PayScale.
“Translator Salary.” PayScale.
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