October Scholarships: Apply Now!

Dr. Mirza Educational AGGA Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: October 15, 2018
Address: https://agga.ca/about-agga/awards.html
Women’s Ministries Scholarship Program
Scholarship Value: $20,000
Awards Available: 49
Award Deadline: October 15, 2018
Address: https://women.adventist.org/scholarship
Loran Scholars
Scholarship Value: $100,000
Awards Available: 30
Award Deadline: October 17, 2018
Address: http://www.loranscholar.ca/becoming-a-scholar/
Excellence in Ag Program
Scholarship Value: $20,000
Awards Available: 4
Award Deadline: October 31, 2018
Address: https://www.agro.crs/more/excellenceinag/excellence+in+ag
Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarships
Amount: $5,000
Provided by: Horatio Alger Association of Canada
Deadline: October 25, 2018
Donor: Horatio Alger Association of Canada
Renewable: Yes, 5 year(s)
Number Available: 170
Type of Award: Bursary
Automatic Consideration: No
Address: https://horatioalger.ca/en/scholarships/
Grade 12 Essay Contest
Amount: $5,000
Provided by: Credit Canada
Deadline: October 09, 2018
Renewable: No
Number Available: 20
Type of Award: Contest
Automatic Consideration: No
Address: https://cewc.ca/contests/grade-12-essay-contest/
Fall Frenzy Contest
Amount: $1,000
Provided by: Study and Go Abroad Fairs
Deadline: October 21, 2018
Renewable: No
Number Available: 1
Type of Award: Contest
Automatic Consideration: No
Address: http://www.studyandgoabroad.com/contest/
Guelph Scholarships to Keep in Mind for the Future…
Clara E. Elliott Entrance Scholarship [E0095]
Donor(s): Clara E. Elliott Estate
Value: 2 awards of $10,000 (payable over 4 years of study)
Awarded: Fall
Application: Apply By Letter
Deadline: April 15
Citizenship: Canadian
Address: https://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/studentfinance/apps/awards?app=awards&page=index&id=E0095
Roy Hindle and family with matching funding through the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund
Value: 1 award of $6,000 (payable over 4 years)
Awarded: Fall
Application: Entrance Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline: April 15
Citizenship: Canadian
Address: https://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/studentfinance/apps/awards?app=awards&page=index&id=E3500
Ontario Section, Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology with matching funding through the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund
Value: 1 award of $8,000 (payable over 4 years of study)
Awarded: Fall
Application: Entrance Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline: April 15
Citizenship: Canadian
Address: https://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/studentfinance/apps/awards?app=awards&page=index&id=E4500
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