In November We Remember

On November 11th, we celebrate and remember the veterans of war in Canada. Traditionally, we all wear a poppy on our shirts to signify that we are taking some time to remember the veterans. The poppy shows respect for those lost and also, those currently in war. Your school may give 5 minutes of silence or will conduct an assembly with choir songs and speeches. We have a lot to be thankful for in Canada, and having these soldiers protect us and serve our country is one thing to be very grateful for, especially during these uncertain times. In November’s issue of JPD, we have important articles on: careers that might be phased out by robotics and what to do, how to make exercise a habit, jobs that make a difference in the world, and how to use your highly sensitive nature to your advantage in your job or career. We also put together some more important Career Profiles like being a First Responder and Flight Attendant. We have over 3 articles that list scholarships for November for every discipline, plus trades. These scholarships can be year round with various deadlines, but also specific November deadlines- Apply NOW!
Stay safe as always,
Erin Kelly
Content Editor
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