Published on February, 2019

Financial Aid Available for Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities in Prince Edward Island

February 26th, 2019; By Jingwei Chen

This is the next article in my series of articles outlining the financial assistance available to Canadian post-secondary students with disabilities. Every province will be covered and given their their […]

Financial Aid Available for Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities in Nova Scotia

February 26th, 2019; By Jingwei Chen

We are soon coming to the end of this series of articles outlining what financial aid is available to post-secondary students with disabilities in the provinces and territories across Canada. […]

The Advantages of Having a Variety of Jobs

February 26th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

We’ve all been told time and time again that it’s important to follow your dreams when deciding on our career path, but as the cliché goes, life happens when you’re […]

Far from Fair: Payment and Employment for People with Disabilities

February 26th, 2019; By Anthony Teles

Finding, keeping, and enjoying work is a challenge all of us face. Yet this journey is easier for some than others. There is an inherent lack of fairness to life […]

Depression – How it Affects Teens Today

February 26th, 2019; By Alona Fiandaca

Depression – What is it? Depression is a very common and serious mental disorder that can affect anybody. It can negatively impact an individual’s way of thinking, feeling and acting. […]

Practicing Mindfulness: What is mindfulness and why is it so important for You?

February 26th, 2019; By Kaitlyn Hover

Mindfulness is something we can do and practice to help us connect with ourselves and the world around us in the present moment. Mindfulness is important because it can help […]

Saving the Planet One Pick-Up at a Time: Re-use and Recyclable Material Collectors

February 26th, 2019; By Anthony Teles

The only way humans can have a good future on this planet is if we start treating the environment better. There are more people than ever using a wide variety […]