The Best Shows to Watch About the Environment

With more and more streaming options available, it can be harder than ever to pick something to watch. On the other hand, this also means many opportunities to discover different shows and learn many different things about our world. One of the most important topics you can study is the environment. The damage humans are doing to our only home is the biggest problem we face in the present day. There are many series focused on the environment that are definitely worth your time.
Are you interested in environmental issues that affect your everyday life? Cooked is a popular four-part documentary that looks at the history of food, how humans have prepared meals throughout the years, and how this has played an important role in culture and community. It will help you realize how much of the modern diet is made up of processed foods and encourage you to get into the kitchen to cook healthy meals with your family. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a 2014 documentary that looks at how the meat industry has harmed the environment. It will help you think about the choices you make when deciding where and what to eat.
Are you wondering about other parts of the world? Planet Earth and Planet Earth II are acclaimed documentaries from the BBC that look at different habitats all around the planet. They offer amazing high-definition glimpses into parts the world most of us never get to see, in order to give you a renewed appreciation for the ecosystem and the many forms of life that make up Earth. Life from 2009 is another British nature documentary that looks at how different forms of life have survived in the worst conditions. It will give you a better understanding of lifeforms and how organisms can adapt in conditions that we never have to worry about in a first-world country.
Do you want to know how you can make the world a better place? Blackfish from 2013 sheds light on the horrors that animals go through when kept in captivity. This documentary played an important role in stopping SeaWorld from keeping killer whales captive, and can encourage you to be more aware of the corporations that are part of the problem and the organizations that are fighting it. The Ivory Game from 2016 reveals the struggle to protect elephants in Africa and fight the black market for ivory in China. You will learn how big this problem is and what people can do to prevent elephants from going extinct. Planet Earth: The Future examines conservation issues that different species and environments face, which is something for you to keep in mind when you are deciding which companies to support and which politicians to vote for.
A lot of people might tell you that watching shows is just a way to relax and pass the time. But the many options available to you mean that you can make it a very educational experience. This does not mean giving up your favourite shows that you watch just for fun, but rather taking some time to watch series that teach you more about the world. Pick one that sounds interesting to you and give an episode a try. There is so much to learn about the importance of the environment in your day-to-day life and for the planet. Most importantly, you can learn how you can play your part in improving the world. Happy streaming!
Loria, Kevin. “The 21 best science movies and shows streaming on Netflix that will make you smarter.” Business Insider.
Ranker. “The Best Nature TV Shows.”
Williams, Zoe. “The 50 best TV shows of 2016: No 1 Planet Earth II.” The Guardian.
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