Why learning at your own pace is ok!

Why learning at your own pace is ok!

by Kaitlyn Hover
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone learns a little bit differently!

Have you ever been stuck on a task that you were assigned by your teacher that everyone else seems to have down pat, but you just can’t wrap your head around? Well it might be because you learn differently than the way you are being taught… and that’s completely okay!

There are many different learning styles. Some are:

  • Musical – meaning you learn best through music. You may memorize things through song.
  • Verbal-Linguistic – meaning you learn best by words and explanations. You might prefer a page of words to explain how you feel as opposed to a page of pictures.
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic – meaning you learn best by doing things. You may enjoy hands-on activities.
  • Logical-Mathematical – meaning you learn best by logic and numbers. You may be great at math and/or science.
  • Interpersonal (social) – meaning you learn best by being social and you tend to know and be able to read people well
  • Naturalistic – meaning you learn by common sense and what comes natural to you. You may like “going by the flow”.
  • Intrapersonal (self) – meaning you learn best by working by yourself. You may like to just “figure it out on your own”.
  • Visual-Spatial – meaning you are aware of space and learn best by seeing things. You may prefer to be shown how to do something before trying it.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some people are really good at sports, others prefer arts! It’s the same with learning. Someone who is “word smart” might be really good at memorizing large amounts of information that the teacher shares in a speech, whereas someone who is “picture smart”, may not be able to memorize everything the teacher said. However, if the teacher had shown a diagram to explain what they meant, the “picture smart” person might be able to perform better than the person who is “word smart”.

Since we all have different learning types, it only makes sense that we all have different learning paces right? It’s just like someone who is really good at basketball might take longer to perfect a painting than someone who is really good at painting!

Learning at your own pace is 100% okay, and even though it might seem like the whole class understands everything the teacher is saying, and you feel like you got lost back in 1952, I guarantee that you are not the only person who doesn’t understand.

Learning is essential because it is the foundation of everything we do. If you are a logical thinker, and your teacher only uses music to explain things, you might need to ask them for extra help to better suit your learning needs. It’s important that if you are having trouble with a topic being taught that you sp

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