Published on January, 2021

Career Profile: Environmental Lawyer

January 30th, 2021; By Susan Huebert

Many people care about the environment, but not everyone has a chance to do much about it. People can sign petitions and write to the government. They can do their […]

How to Organize Breaks When Working from Home

January 30th, 2021; By Susan Huebert

The current pandemic has been challenging for many people, especially for those who have suddenly had to learn how to work or study from home. I already had experience in […]

The Benefits of Stretching and How to Make It a Habit

January 30th, 2021; By Linda Mendes

Stretching is something everyone does, but not everyone stretches all the muscles in their body. Daily stretching is very beneficial in many different ways. If you would like to know […]

5 Surefire Tips for Being Finance-Savvy with Your Freelance Money

January 30th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

The novel coronavirus of 2019 brought on numerous challenges for all of us. However, there was one silver lining in the dark clouds of the pandemic: more remote work opportunities […]

Winter Fun (Quarantine Edition!)

January 30th, 2021; By author below

By Erin Rebello With winter in full swing, and another lockdown starting up, you may find yourself coming down with a serious case of cabin fever! Being cooped up is […]

Career Profile: Gem Setter/Goldsmith

January 30th, 2021; By Susan Huebert

Every morning, people put on rings, bracelets, and more. Before they can do that, however, someone has to design and make the items. Gem setters and goldsmiths work with a […]

Why Allowing Yourself to Be Bored Is Good

January 30th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

The term “bored” often has a negative connotation. Do a Google search of “I am bored” and most likely the next phrase that comes up is “what should I do?”, […]