Reading Books for Fun, Not Just for School

Teachers, parents, friends – there’s a good chance that all of them say you should read more. It’s good advice; being a strong reader is important, and forms the foundation for all your education and for just getting through the everyday world.
But let’s face it, not everything you’re assigned to read for school will be something you like. You might not be interested in the topic, or you might not enjoy the writing style. Maybe you find it boring, or hard to understand.
That’s okay!
The great thing about books and reading is that there are millions of books in the world, on millions of topics, which means there is always some book, somewhere, that will be great for you. You just have to find it. Whether you like dinosaurs or spaceships, figure skaters or football stars, magical beasts or real-life experiences, once you find the stories and types of books you find interesting, reading will be a fantastically fun activity.
Here are some tips for turning reading into your favourite hobby:
Try reading lots of different things! With so many books in the world to choose from, sometimes you have to explore for a while to find the stuff you really like reading. Once you find something you love, it’s time to find similar books to read. You can do this by finding other books by the same author or in the same series, asking someone for suggestions, or browsing your local library.
Ask for recommendations from friends, teachers, family members, and librarians. Everyone has different interests and will have read different books – and avid readers love to suggest new books to other people. If you share some of your own favourite books, that will help someone pick new books for you that are similar and which you are more likely to enjoy. Whether you like the book or not, let them know and they can use that information to help them understand what you’re interested in.
Longer books – usually called novels – aren’t the only options for reading. There are many different types of written works you can explore, many of which are shorter or broken up into bite-size pieces that can make them easier to read. These are great options for readers who prefer reading in short bursts, or who enjoy art and illustration as well as printed words. Some of these options include:
- Short story collections
- Comics, manga and graphic novels
- Poetry and dramatic plays
- Magazines and newspapers
- Informational websites
Find a reading buddy. Reading can be more fun when you do it with someone else. Parents, siblings, or friends can make great reading buddies. You can both read the same book and then talk about it, such as what you both liked or disliked about the story. You can also take turns reading out loud to each other, switching every page or chapter. This can be a lot of fun because you can pretend to be the characters, use funny voices, or even start making up your own stories.
Don’t get discouraged! Though it’s easier to say than to do, try not to get frustrated if you feel like you still have trouble enjoying reading. The only way to find your favourite books is to keep trying new things until you figure out what you like best, whether that’s illustrated stories, non-fiction, adventure tales, poetry, or maybe even stories you write yourself.
Somewhere out there is the perfect book for you!
Baigelman, Louise. “14 ways to encourage your grade-schooler to read.” Understood.
Baigelman, Louise. “Beyond books: 6 fun things for kids to read.” Understood.
Oxford Learning. “How to Encourage Good Reading Habits in Kids.”
Reagan, Jean. “How to Make Reading Fun: 25 Ideas Kids Will Love.” Brightly.
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