5 Ways to Put Your Creativity Hat On: Celebrating the World Creativity and Innovation Day

Every year on April 21, World Creativity and Innovation Day is observed to raise awareness about the role of innovation and creativity in each aspect of human development. This was primarily implemented by the United Nations to encourage countries into creative multidisciplinary thinking at both group and individual levels.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution to celebrate the day on April 27, 2017. And did you know that this special day was founded in Toronto, Canada? The founder of the day was Marci Segal, a Canadian who was studying creativity in 1977 at the International Center for Studies in Creativity.
Creativity is an important skillset not just in school but also later when you join the workforce. If you feel like you can hone your creative skills further, read below for 5 tips to help you out.
- Be inspired!
You can get a spark of creativity on your own or you can be inspired by the works of others. Throughout history, there have been countless anecdotes of how artists’ works have inspired other artists. For example, renowned pop artist Andy Warhol was inspired by The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. And the work of art does not have to be an artwork per se, you can get inspiration from music, film, or theatre.
- Take note!
If you’re the type who experiences bursts of creativity at unexpected times, it’s ideal to have a notebook on hand to jot those ideas down! If you’re more of the tech-savvy type, have your phone handy so you can note the ideas on your notepad in your phone or tablet. You never know what you’ll come up with AND when you’ll come up with it, so always take note so you don’t forget.
- Have open lines of communication.
If you’re having a hard time developing an idea, maybe it’s time to bring in some reinforcements – they can come in the form of family members or friends or classmates you normally do homework with. Sometimes, it truly helps to open up to others and brainstorm with them when you can, and with some teamwork, your good idea will turn into a great idea!
- Daydream.
This one you may be reluctant to do but daydreaming can actually help boost your creativity. Of course, make sure you don’t do it while in class when the teacher is expecting that they have your 100 per cent attention. What you can do is set aside a time where you have no task on hand to worry about and just take time for a breather and daydream. For sure, you’ll find yourself having an idea or two!
- Exercise!
This last one may sound surprising, but it’s backed by science. Getting some exercise can help awaken your creative self! A study by the National Institutes of Health suggest that physical activity can prevent mental fogginess, so maybe next time you are struggling with creativity, go out for a walk or run!
Getting your creative juices flowing is easier said than done, most of the time. However, there are ways to accomplish this. Follow the tips above, and you will! Good luck!
Berman, Judy. “10 Famous Artworks Inspired by Other Famous Artworks.” Flavorwire. https://www.flavorwire.com/293497/10-famous-artworks-inspired-by-other-famous-artworks
Brend, Yvette. “Design experts rethink the workspace as pandemic restrictions ease across Canada.” CBC. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-feb-25-2022-1.6364228/design-experts-rethink-the-workspace-as-pandemic-restrictions-ease-across-canada-1.6373245
Cherry, Kendra. “10 Psychological Tricks That Will Boost Your Creativity.” Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-most-unusual-psychological-tricks-to-boost-your-creativity-4022442
Patel, Deep. “6 Proven Ways To Increase Your Creativity.” Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/deeppatel/2017/07/30/6-proven-ways-to-increase-your-creativity/?sh=241129a84295
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