Published on October, 2023

Back-to-School Supplies: What’s Necessary And What Isn’t

October 24th, 2023; By Tiffany Chang

When September nears, families with students are typically preparing for an upcoming school year. This may involve reverting back to an old routine, thinking about different lunch ideas, or even […]

Career Profile: Teacher Assistants

October 24th, 2023; By Susan Huebert

In your classes at school, you probably have a regular teacher and maybe an assistant who helps with some of the lessons or with students who need personal attention. Teacher […]

Career Profile: Library Technicians

October 24th, 2023; By Susan Huebert

Libraries are full of interesting and informative books, DVDs, databases, and other materials. Before anyone can use these materials, someone must organize them so that people can find what they […]

Career Profile: Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products

October 24th, 2023; By Susan Huebert

Some people like to sort out anything that they have in front of them, whether that is jellybeans, coins, or anything else. Agricultural products also need to be sorted out […]

Career Profile: Communications Equipment Operators

October 24th, 2023; By Susan Huebert

Communicating with someone else in person is normally easy if the two people speak the same language and are close enough to hear each other. When people communicate through technology […]

Happy Thanksgiving from JPD!

October 2nd, 2023; By Anthony Teles

We hope you’ve had a good start to your school year. September can be an exciting and stressful time, filled with new experiences and challenges, and it can take some […]

Interview Prep 101: Do’s and Don’ts

October 2nd, 2023; By Mara Hurst

Applying for a job is the first step in starting an amazing career. Step 2 is to nail your interview. Sometimes, interviews can be a place of stress and the […]