Author's articles

Pen and Paper Ready – A Look into Writing Scholarships in Canada

March 31st, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Expressing your ideas clearly in a manner that captivates your audience sounds like it’s an easy task, but in reality, it’s a challenging one. This is why most people look […]

Lessons from Pinocchio – Why You Should Value Truthfulness

March 31st, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

We all know what happened to Pinocchio when he chose to tell lies instead of being honest. However, while we certainly won’t see our noses grow bigger when we lie, […]

Choisir une carrière plus verte – 5 possibilités à inscrire en tête de votre liste

March 3rd, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

L’activiste climatique, Greta Thunberg est parue à la une des journaux en septembre 2019 lorsqu’une vidéo de son discours passionné au Sommet Action climat des Nations Unies est devenue virale. […]

Making Green Choices with Your Career – 5 Options to Put On Top of Your List

February 28th, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Climate activist Greta Thunberg made headlines in September 2019 when a video of her impassioned speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit went viral. We all listened to what […]

Don’t Give Up – Inspirational People to Motivate You

February 3rd, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Striving to reach one’s goals—whether it’s to land your dream job in a big corporation, complete a Master’s Degree in two years’ time, launch your own business, or pursue a […]

Dual Lingo – How Learning a New Language Boosts Your Career

February 1st, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Canada is known for being multi-cultural, and that’s certainly proven by this interesting fact from Statistics Canada from a study released in July 2018 — 17.5% of the Canadian population, […]

Soutien financier Les demandes de bourses pour améliorer votre compétence d’expression orale

December 3rd, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Le scandale qui a fait la une des journaux, l’année dernière, au sujet des actrices de télé célèbres, achetant l’entrée de leurs filles dans d’importantes universités, a choqué tout le […]