Author's articles

Be the Toast of the Masters – How Scholarship Applications Boost Your Public Speaking Skills

November 25th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

The scandal that hit the headlines last year about famous TV actresses buying their daughters a way into prominent universities truly had everyone shocked, but it’s a testament to how […]

Les métiers les plus rémunérateurs – lequel vous ira ?

November 10th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Quand vient le temps de faire un choix de carrière, nous avons tous nos préférences, nos compétences nos talents et nos connaissances. Certains s’épanouissent dans un environnement de chiffres, comme […]

Ouvrir le chemin – en avez-vous la capacité ?

November 10th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Lorsque vous entendez le mot dirigeant, vous pensez probablement à quelqu’un comme un président ou un chef d’État, un président directeur général d’une grande entreprise ou le capitaine de votre […]

L’égalité au travail – où nous en sommes maintenant

November 10th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Bien avant la Marche des femmes le 21 janvier 2017 à Washington, DC — qui a été déclaré la plus grande manifestation dans l’histoire de É.U. — les femmes se […]

Trades with the Highest Earning Potential – Which One Is Right for You?

October 30th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

When it comes to forging our careers, we all have our own preferences, skills, talents, and knowledge. Some thrive in environments where numbers are the primary focus, like in finance […]

Leading the Way – Do You Have the Potential?

October 30th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

When someone says the words “leader” to you, you probably then think of someone like a president or head of state in a country, a CEO or manager at a […]

Equality in the Workplace – Where We Are Now

October 29th, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Way before the Women’s March of January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC took place—which is reported to be the largest protest in U.S. history—women have always fought a battle for […]