March 21st, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
Before we started school, most of us displayed a high level of curiosity about the things we came across and asked the adults in our lives as many questions we […]
March 21st, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
It may be way past the holiday season, but there’s never a wrong time to talk about one of the most menacing characters ever to have graced the movie screens, […]
March 21st, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
For numerous years now, Victoria’s Secret has ruled the lingerie industry. Borne out of an ingenuous idea by Roy Raymond in 1977, who initially thought of it because he was […]
March 21st, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
According to a research by, it’s estimated that about 230,000 experience homelessness in Canada in a given year. In fact, data from an Ipsos Reid poll in March 2013 […]
March 21st, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
When you hear the word “courtroom,” most likely, you picture a distinguished judge, a jury, a client who is either guilty or not guilty, and lawyers opposing each other as […]
March 2nd, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
Depuis que les médias sociaux sont arrivés dans nos vies, il y a eu une flopée de critiques à leur sujet sous forme d’art, de films et de littérature, mais […]
March 2nd, 2019; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
Pour la plupart d’entre nous, notre façon de vous habiller et notre style sont un moyen de nous exprimer et nous distinguer des autres. Cependant, vous n’avez pas besoin de […]