Author's articles

Les bourses d’études accordées aux étudiants des Premières Nations

February 5th, 2020; By Susan Huebert

Obtenir une éducation permet de trouver de bons emplois et même un sens à la vie. Payer ces études peut être difficile, mais il existe de l’aide financière. Pour les […]

The Scoop On Indigenous Student Scholarships Today

February 1st, 2020; By Susan Huebert

Getting an education can help people find good jobs and even a purpose in life. Paying for courses can be difficult, but financial aid can help. For Indigenous students, special […]

Helping Others in Need-Including Your Friends

February 1st, 2020; By Susan Huebert

Think back to the last time you needed some help—maybe with something small like coming to class without a pencil or a bigger issue like having no winter boots or […]

Career Profile: Railway Conductor

February 1st, 2020; By Susan Huebert

A hundred years ago, trains were a regular part of everyday life. This type of transportation is not as popular as it once was in Canada, but trains are still […]

Career Profile: Book Restorer

February 1st, 2020; By Susan Huebert

Have you ever had a favourite book that fell apart? You could probably replace it quite easily if it was a modern book. Older books are harder to find, and […]

La différence est une bonne chose

January 13th, 2020; By Susan Huebert

La majorité des groupes ou des sociétés pensent qu’on doit agir d’une certaine façon. Par exemple, la plupart des jeunes sont censés s’amuser entre amis, être actifs et bavards. Pour […]

Vous avez le droit d’exprimer votre avis

January 13th, 2020; By Susan Huebert

Votre opinion et vos sentiments sont importants. Pourtant, il peut être difficile pour beaucoup d’entre nous de s’en souvenir. Les personnes plus extraverties peuvent rendre votre avis sans intérêt. Les […]