Author's articles

The Difference Between a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree

July 31st, 2014; By Susan Huebert

Many people say that an education is the key to a good job, a high income and a good life. That might not always be true, but earning a bachelor’s […]

Can High School Dropouts Still Go to College or University?

July 29th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

Most people receive a lot of advice over their lifetimes. Can you think of some of the things that others have told you? One bit of advice that you might […]

Career Profile: Printing Press Operator

July 29th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

Printed words are everywhere in our world. We see them on posters, street signs and all kinds of other places. Many of the materials that people read have gone through […]

Career Profile: Airport Baggage Handler

July 29th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

When people go on trips by airplane, they might not think much about everything that goes on to get them and their luggage to their destination. One exception to that […]

Je veux être comme Lady Gaga!

June 30th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

Imaginez comment ça serait d’être une vedette musicale et de marcher sur les différentes scènes autour du monde pour chanter à vos admirateurs enthousiastes. Vous pouvez être comme Lady Gaga […]

La mode chez les magasins d’occasion

June 30th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

Lorsque les gens se croisent dans la rue ou se rencontrent à l’école, ils remarquent plusieurs caractéristiques différentes les uns sur les autres. Peut-être qu’ils remarquent les cheveux de l’autre […]

Emploi de rêve: clown

June 30th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

Chaque cirque a besoin d’un clown. Les festivals et les fêtes d’anniversaires sont amusants lorsqu’un clown fait partie du divertissement. Les gens s’attendent à voir des clowns dans les endroits […]