October 28th, 2013; By Susan Huebert
Retirement is a good time for people for look back at what they have done over their lives and in their work. Some people’s careers never go beyond their own […]
October 28th, 2013; By Susan Huebert
Imagine a fire flickering and sparking as the logs burn and settle down. Would you enjoy watching it? Many people find fires calming and fascinating to watch, at least ones […]
September 26th, 2013; By Susan Huebert
Chaque année, les baleines à bosse parcourent 4000 kilomètres, de l’océan près de l’Alaska et de la Colombie-Britannique jusqu’aux alentours d’Hawaï. Peu après, elle retournent d’où elles sont parties. Tout […]
September 26th, 2013; By Susan Huebert
Every year, humpback whales travel 4000 kilometres from the ocean around Alaska and British Columbia to the water near Hawaii. Soon afterwards, they turn around and make the return journey. […]
September 24th, 2013; By Susan Huebert
Imaginez être capable de voyager à travers les sites touristiques les plus intéressants dans le monde et d’être payé pour le faire. Trouver un emploi comme ça peut être difficile, […]
September 24th, 2013; By Susan Huebert
Imagine being able to travel around the most interesting tourist spots in the world and getting paid for doing it. Finding a job like that might be difficult, but becoming […]
September 24th, 2013; By Susan Huebert
La prise de décisions peut être difficile, non seulement pour les décisions très difficiles, mais aussi pour les plus faciles. Parfois, les gens peuvent faire des choix qui bouleversent leurs […]