
The Guilt Trip of Parents Paying for Your Schooling

by Anthony Teles

Somewhere, at some point, someone has brought up student debt in a conversation with you. In that moment, you had to decide whether to let them know your parents paid/ […]

Why Should I Apply for a Scholarship?

by Stephanie Hughes

There are so many students entering college every year and sometimes it feels like there’s only a handful of scholarships. The truth is, scholarships tend to be one of the […]

October 2017 Scholarships: Apply Now!

by Erin Kelly

Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association Scholarship Scholarship Value: $500 Awards Available: 2 Award Deadline: October 31, 2017 Address: https://agga.ca/about-agga/awards.html   Centennial Scholarship Scholarship Value: $2,500 Awards Available: 1 Award Deadline: October […]

September 2017 Scholarships: Apply NOW!

by Erin Kelly

Via studentscholarships.org and scholarshipscanada.ca Johnathan Doody Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Value: $800 Awards Available: 3 Award Deadline: September 14, 2017 Address: https://docs.google.com/a/studentscholarships.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJq3HiE0pCn-qeoV7n9clfb3LVmdnIQX9j2hY37qDbJBUW7Q/viewform?c=0&w=1   Claude Deschamps Memorial Award Scholarship Value: $1,000 Awards […]

How Do You know if a Scholarship is Legitimate? Beware of these Red Flags

by Jingwei Chen

Have you ever considered how much personal information you give out when applying for a scholarship? The prospect of getting some free money for school can diminish your cautiousness. Scholarship […]

Every Cent Counts: Small Scholarships

by Laura Sciarpelletti

Some scholarships are pretty small. There are ones as low as $50 and $100. But if you’ve ever been a poor student, you no doubt know that every last cent […]