«Elementary» column

Reusing and Repurposing: 3 Reasons Why These Two “R”s Are Better than Recycling (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Have you ever wondered how much waste the world produces each year? Well, you’d be surprised. The statistics are downright staggering. According to Earth.org, globally, there are 300 million tons […]

The Dangers of Always Being on Social Media and How to Beat the Addiction

May 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Social media consists of online platforms in which people can communicate with friends or family, as well as other people with similar interests. There are many social media sites. Commonly […]

Endangered Species Highlight: The Burrowing Owl

May 2nd, 2022; By Sarah Leung

Since European settlers first arrived in Canada, over 100 animal species have disappeared. Those animals have become extinct, meaning that none of those animals live in Canada anymore. When an […]

The Good and Bad of Taxes

May 2nd, 2022; By Anthony Teles

You probably hear a lot of adults complaining about taxes. People work hard to make money for food, clothing, and to support their families. It can be frustrating knowing that […]

Do You Love Plants and People? Why Not Start a Community Garden? (French version available)

April 1st, 2022; By Meghan Brown

Gardening indoors or in your yard at home can be a solo activity – but if you love taking care of plants, meeting new people, and improving the environment, then […]

High School Horror Stories: The Fall (French version available)

April 1st, 2022; By Mara Hurst

As a grade 12 student, I am no stranger to the happiness and also embarrassment of being in high school. Things that are seemingly normal, when put under the teenage […]

How to Protect your Mental Health in Times of Crisis

April 1st, 2022; By Mara Hurst

Recently, the world is in a state of distress. With global warming, wars, and political issues, how can we tackle these problems and still take care of ourselves? It is […]