«Featured Articles» column

University Mythbusters

February 28th, 2015; By Teodora Pasca

We get the majority of our information about universities from family and friends, the media, and (if you’re in upper years in high school) even the universities themselves. These sources […]

High School Exam Prep

January 31st, 2015; By Teodora Pasca

Are you ready for your exams? High school exam periods can vary, but they typically occur either at the end of the year (for non-semestered schools), or at the end […]

The Worst Ten Words to Stress Over

January 30th, 2015; By Sam Cross

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” To some people, that is the worst combination of ten words in the English language. The question never really stops […]

Escaping Negativity: Maintaining a Positive Lifestyle

January 30th, 2015; By Teodora Pasca

Negativity can seem like a losing battle. One thing goes wrong, then another, and then another, and you eventually wind up trapped in your own web of bad thoughts. An […]

Academic Resolutions for the New Year

December 31st, 2014; By Teodora Pasca

Congratulations! You’ve made it to 2015. Whether you’ve already got a list of goals you’d like to accomplish this year or are still thinking about what to do tomorrow, don’t […]

Dealing With Failure: Recovering from a Bad Grade

December 30th, 2014; By Teodora Pasca

We’ve all made mistakes in our academic careers. Whether it’s a test we just weren’t prepared for or an assignment that didn’t go as planned, a poor grade or two—or […]

Career Profile: Museum Curator

December 30th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

People often say that an interest in history has little relation to any kind of paying work. How can anyone get a job by knowing when King Henry VIII lived […]