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February 27th, 2021; by author below
By Erin Rebello Oh, Valentine’s Day, the so-called sweetest day of the year! With this festive holiday having happened during COVID-19, you might have found a classic romance movie to […]
January 31st, 2021; by Susan Huebert
Beaucoup de gens se préoccupent de l’environnement, mais peu de personnes peuvent créer de vrais changements. On peut signer des pétitions et écrire au gouvernement. On peut faire de son […]
January 30th, 2021; by Susan Huebert
Many people care about the environment, but not everyone has a chance to do much about it. People can sign petitions and write to the government. They can do their […]
January 31st, 2019; by Susan Huebert
L’agriculture est un domaine important, que ce soit pour la nourriture ou pour l’habillement ou d’autres produits. Cultiver quelques plants de tomates ou de framboises peut être difficile, mais garder […]
January 17th, 2019; by Susan Huebert
Farming is a very important job, whether people grow food or other crops for clothing or other products. Growing a few tomato or raspberry plants can be hard, but keeping […]
December 4th, 2018; by Susan Huebert
Imaginons que vous ayez une importance décision d’argent à prendre. Vous voudriez sans doute demander conseil. Pour les compagnies d’assurances, les actuaires aident les gens à prendre les bonnes décisions […]
November 21st, 2018; by Susan Huebert
Suppose that you had to make an important decision about money. You might want to get some advice. For insurance companies, actuaries help people to make good decisions about how […]