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Career Profile: Heat and Frost Insulator

May 31st, 2017; by Susan Huebert

Canada’s weather can be extreme, making it hard to heat or cool the buildings where people live and work. Heat and frost insulators can help by making sure that the […]

Vivre avec la paralysie cérébrale

April 1st, 2017; by Anthony Teles

La paralysie cérébrale gêne la coordination entre les muscles et les mouvements du corps. Sa gravité varie, soit ne touchant qu’une partie du corps, soit empêchant la personne de se […]

Living with Cerebral Palsy

March 27th, 2017; by Anthony Teles

Cerebral palsy hinders coordination of the muscles and movement of the body. Its severity can range dramatically, from affecting just one body part to leaving the afflicted person unable to […]

August Scholarships of the Month – Apply Now!

July 27th, 2013; by Jasmin Bollman

Just because it’s August doesn’t mean you should not be applying for scholarships and bursaries. There is always something out there – so go get that free money! 1. SecureReset […]