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Careers In Biology

January 8th, 2024; by Linda Mendes

Biology is the study of life and living organisms. An organism is a living thing that has one cell or more than one cell. Bacteria is an example of an […]

What is the Labour Board?

November 1st, 2022; by Susan Huebert

Recently in Winnipeg, people working for the city government came close to going on strike because their union and the government had trouble coming to an agreement about wages and […]

Career Profile: Hippotherapist

October 3rd, 2022; by Erin Kelly

Horses can be fun to ride, but they are good for much more. Hippotherapists work with horses to help people with physical and mental needs to recover from illnesses and […]

April 2022 Scholarships: Apply now!

April 1st, 2022; by Anthony Teles

Global Lift Equipment Scholarship Scholarship Value: $500 Awards Available: 1 Award Deadline: April 15, 2022 Address: https://usedforkliftcalifornia.com/forklifts/2880/clark_forklifts_texas.php   Mission Creek Orthodontics Scholarship Scholarship Value: $500 Awards Available: 1 Award Deadline: […]

Ressources canadiennes pour la paralysie cérébrale

January 4th, 2022; by Sarah Leung

Qu’est-ce qu’est la paralysie cérébrale La paralysie cérébrale est un terme générique pour un groupe de maladies qui touchent les mouvements du corps et la coordination des muscles. Le nom […]

Canadian Resources for Cerebral Palsy

January 4th, 2022; by Sarah Leung

What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is an umbrella term for a group of disorders that affect body movement and muscle coordination. The name consists of “cerebral,” meaning “of the […]

Après la St Valentin, parlons de la condition des personnes avec un handicap dans les films romantiques

February 28th, 2021; by author below

De Erin Rebello Oh, le jour de la St Valentin, jour soi-disant le plus romantique de l’année ! puisque ce jour de fête est arrivé pendant la pandémie, vous avez […]