
Trade Profile: General Carpenter

by Meghan Brown

If you like working with your hands, designing and building things large and small, and working with tools and machinery, a career as a carpenter is a great idea. Carpenters […]

Career Profile: Atmospheric & Space Scientists

by Meghan Brown

Checking the weather each day is a common activity, and the news is full of discussion on climate change and how this will affect people, cities, and agriculture.  But where […]

Career Profile: Chemist

by Meghan Brown

Chemistry is more than just a class you take in high school.  The field of chemistry is the study of all things chemical, which includes processes, configurations, synthesis and manipulation […]

How to Make the Most of Your Campus Visit

by Meghan Brown

School is almost out for the summer, but for students preparing to go off to college or university in the fall, there’s lots to do.  Summer is a popular time […]

Making First Impressions Everyday: A Concierge Career Profile

by Anthony Teles

First impressions are always important. Whether it is classmates, teachers, or neighbours, we want people to think good things when they first meet us. For condominiums, apartment buildings, business offices, […]

The Art of Advertising: A Marketing Managers Profile

by Anthony Teles

YouTube ads. Billboards. Pop-ups. Every moment of the modern world is a war between companies and people vying for your attention. It takes a strong strategy and know-how in order […]