
Tips for Utilizing Your Business Skills in the Trades

by Rochelle C. Pangilinan

As the trade industry in Canada continues to thrive, more and more people, especially the youth, are grabbing opportunities to get their foot in the door through trade programs and […]

Taking on Too Much and How to Get Back on Track

by Susan Huebert

Some people love being busy. They enjoy having meetings, going to concerts, and all kinds of activities to attend every week. It can be very easy to take on too […]

Speaking in Tongues – Tips for Learning a Foreign Language

by Rochelle C. Pangilinan

In a multicultural country like Canada, it is quite common to hear people speak a language other than Canadian English–whether you are at school or just on the street. As […]

Scholarships for Women in Science

by Laura Sciarpelletti

Here is a round-up of some scholarships specifically geared towards women with a focus on science studies and careers in Canada:  Debbe Gervin Memorial Entrance Award, BCIT This SCHWIST scholarship […]

Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships in Ontario

by Erin Kelly

The Ontario College of Trades lists 156 skilled trades. They can be divided into four major categories: Construction, Industrial, Motive Power, and Service. The following lists examples of skilled trades […]

Your Post-Secondary Goals may change, and that is okay.

by Keaton Peterson

I wanted to be an accountant.I figured I’d complete my mandatory year of prerequisite arts at the University of Alberta, transfer to the Faculty of Business, and major in accounting. […]