
What’s High School REALLY Like?

by Sheena Osman

For anyone starting high school, it can be an intimidating time. You’re suddenly in an environment where you’re not always surrounded by familiar faces and you have a lot more […]

Get Your Volunteer Hours the Old Fashioned Way

by Connor Thompson

In order to graduate high school, students must complete 40 hours of volunteer work. Rather than dragging it out over the course of an entire high school career, why not […]

I Think I’m In Love! Handling a Crush

by Stacy White

Like their first kiss and their first love, most people can remember any number of details about their first real “crush.” The butterflies in their stomachs, the dry mouths, the […]

Teen Make-Up 101

by Jamie

It wasn’t until I was 14 that my father would even allow the sight of lip gloss on me, and only on special occasions. As I started to flirt with […]

Coping with Jealousy

by Erica Cooper

Jealousy occurs in most human relationships at one time or another. Whether your relationship is an intimate one, a friendship or even co-workers. For most teens there will come a […]

I’m an Apprentice – How Do I Find an Employer?

by CareersInTrades.ca

Finding an employer is the first and often most difficult step in an apprenticeship. If the employer you’re interested in approaching doesn’t employ apprentices, check out our list of resources […]