Articles tagged with...
December 27th, 2016; By Laura Sciarpelletti
It’s no secret that the newspaper industry has been in a dire situation in recent years. In truth, the industry has undergone a complete reorganization, which has not only impacted […]
September 22nd, 2016; By Maria Cruz
Ah, the journalist. One of the only career paths people assume you’re going down when they find out that you’re an English major. Or, heaven forbid, if you’re studying writing. […]
May 31st, 2014; By Christopher TJ Brown
The field of print journalism is an exciting and challenging career path. Journalists have been an important part of society for hundreds of years, writing in newspapers, periodicals, magazines and […]
July 20th, 2013; By Erica Cooper
Journalists can have a specialty. In large organizations, the journalists may specialize in only one task. In small organizations, each journalist may have to do many different tasks. Here are […]
November 19th, 2012; By Kevin Sexton
You’ve probably heard of the five W’s a million times in class. This little family of questions – “Who, what, where, when, why” and their cousin “how” – are memorized […]