C.O.W.S. !

C.O.W.S. !

by Darlene Markov
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

Today’s world is filled with fast and convenient foods which fit in to our busy lifestyles. How many of you have given any thought to how the foods you eat make you feel and their affect our long-term health or appearance?

At age15, my parents bought a convenience store and suddenly I had access to all of this junk food.

I was in heaven for a while. Until my pants started getting tight and I felt terrible.

I made the connection between what I ate and how I felt and looked. Small changes I made way back in high school paved the way for a healthy life.

Together, let’s explore what today’s experts are saying we should eat to live a long and healthy life. The earlier in life we start, the better. In ‘The PH Miracle’ written by Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young, they talk about an acronym we should all remember COWS.

C is for chlorophyll.

“Vegetables are your new best friends,” especially the green ones. Chlorophyll helps the blood cells deliver oxygen, reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in our organs and help to neutralize dietary acids in the blood and tissues. They are nutrient dense and rich in antioxidants.

O is for Oils.

Know the good from the bad. Saturated fats found primarily in animal protein, partially hydrogenated oils found in processed foods are to be avoided. Good fats contain essential fatty acids. EFAs strengthen immune cells, lubricate joints, insulate the body against heat loss, provide energy, protect us from heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. It improves asthma, PMS, allergies, skin conditions, some behavioral disorders and brain function. Good sources of oils include fish, seeds, avocados, olives and flax.

W is for Water.

In the earliest stages, dehydration can lead to muddled thinking, short-term memory problems, trouble with math and expressing yourself verbally, difficulty focusing on a printed page, cold hands or feet, anxiety, irritability, depression, sugar cravings and cramps too. Water neutralizes acids and literally washes them (and all toxins) out of the body via urine and sweat and the bowels. When you don’t get enough water you will feel tired and weak. About two liters of water a day is generally recommended.

S is for Salt.

Salt is as essential as water or air. You cannot consume too much natural, unrefined salt. Processed foods are laden with the bad salts. The salt test: mix a teaspoon of the salt you use in a glass of water and let it sit overnight. If the water is clear in the morning, it’s a natural salt. If you can see salt in the bottom of the glass it’s processed salt. Salt that does not dissolve in a glass of water will not dissolve in your body and will collect in your body organs and tissues. This can lead to heart disease, arthritis, hardening of the arteries and calcium deposits in joints.

Following COWS is an easy first step to a healthy life.


Currently there is one comment:

  1. lynnie says:

    Very informative. Ty

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