STEM Career Profile: Climate Change...

STEM Career Profile: Climate Change Analyst

by Anthony Teles
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

The world’s climate has become a major topic of discussion in recent years. As temperatures change and the impacts are felt, it has become a deeply divisive and problematic issue. Yet it is not all doom and gloom. There are many people working hard to better understand this phenomenon and how humans can best respond to it. If you find yourself drawn to the subject, you might want to consider becoming a climate change analyst.

This field requires a strong understanding of both science and policy. On one hand, you may focus more on the former, in which you would be collecting data and analyzing it. On the other hand, you may be drawn more to the political side of the matter, and in that case you would be creating policies related to Earth’s climate. Be prepared to analyze everything from the atmosphere and the oceans, to the ice up north and the greenhouse gases in metropolitan areas, and beyond. If this complicated data intrigues you, the scientific approach may be for you. If you would rather focus on implementing those results, the world of policy making may be your calling.

Climate change analysts spend much of their time at a computer to analyze data and prepare their research. Yet you may also be out and about analyzing the rising sea levels or measuring the use of fossil fuels. Further work and analysis may be required in a lab.

In order to do all of that, you will need at minimum a bachelor’s degree. Many in the field pursue master’s degrees or a Ph.D. in order to find better jobs. For your studies, consider subjects such as geology, geochemistry, physics, geophysics, and meteorology. Jobs in the field typically do not require certification, but it can be helpful to join professional groups to help your career. One example is the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. You can expect to make an average salary of $47 000 per year in Canada as a specialist in climate change. With experience and post-graduate education, that can increase to an average range of $68 000 to $72 000 annually.

Your research and findings can help Canadians find ways to reduce their impact on the environment. Perhaps your research will lead to methods of reducing or eventually eliminating the use of fossil fuels. It could lead to discoveries in renewable energy that would allow for greater use of solar power or other safer energy sources. Your reports are part of a collaborative effort that can make its way to the Minister of the Environment. This can lead to monumental changes in laws and policies that affect everyone.

The climate has become one of the major issues of the 21st century. It may be an urgent issue, but it is far from a hopeless cause. More and more action is being taken to ensure a positive future for humanity. This means there are more and more job opportunities for those aspiring to be climate change analysts.


Eco Canada. Climate Change Specialist. http://www.eco.ca/career-profiles/climate-change-specialist/

Sokanu. What does a Climate Change Analyst do? https://www.sokanu.com/careers/climate-change-analyst/

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