Great Food to Fight Depression

We’ve all done it, drowned our sorrows in a family size bag of Doritos or a pint of cookie dough ice cream, but does it really help make us feel any better?
Well recent research suggests food really does alter our body chemistry and as a result influences our moods. Therefore, everything we put into our body affects us in one way or another. Putting food in your body is like putting gas in your car; it makes it operate. Keep in mind people are a little more complex than automobiles. It is normal to feel sad or depressed when a loved one dies, or you go through a tough brake-up, or someone does something to hurt you, unlike cars we have feelings and emotions that can’t be fixed with some type of “magic food.”
However, if you are feeling down and there doesn’t seem to be any major reason for it, than perhaps a change in body chemistry could help.
Sleep is one way to deal with depression. So it’s important to avoid foods that may interfere with your sleep. Some people find that caffeine keeps them awake. Others have a hard time sleeping after eating spicy foods. Knowing what affects your sleep habits will make it easier for you to avoid them. Anything, you think may impact your ability to get a good night sleep should not be consumed within four hours of going to bed.
So, what food should you consume to help alleviate your depression? Well, most experts agree fresh fruit is the best option. It contains natural sugar, and is full of essential vitamins and minerals. Fats from fish oils are also excellent to help cope with depression, as well as omega three fatty acids. Below is a list of some great foods that may help ward off mild depression or alleviate it from becoming too severe.
– Beets- they’re high in folate, and a lack of folate can lead to depression, mental fatigue and insomnia.
– nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans and brazil nuts
– fish such as salmon, tuna or herring
– turkey, which contains folic acid and niacin that can help relieve depression, anxiety and panic attacks
– dark chocolate
– brown rice, which not only has vitamins B1, B3 and folic acid, it’s also a low-glycemic food. Low glycemic foods release glucose into the blood stream slowly, preventing sugar lows and mood swings.
– Whole grain oats also help regulate your blood sugar.
– Have a glass of naturally sweetened orange or lemon juice, or even better squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon, lime or orange into a glass of water
– As stated above try to eat as much fresh fruit as possible (at least 5 servings a day) try different varieties such as: papaya, bananas, strawberries, mangos, pineapple, grapefruit, peaches and apples.
– High Vitamin D foods such as: liver, salmon, whole milk, tuna, sardines and egg yolks
– And energy boosting foods like: spinach, blueberries, broccoli and oatmeal.
Although some foods can help us deal with mild depression it is equally important to remember what foods don’t. So, the next time you’re feeling a little down remember this list before you reach for that bag of chips, container of ice cream, caffeinated beverage, microwaved dinner or bottle of alcohol.
Remember although food can help with mild depression, it is not a magical cure all. If you suffer from severe depression or anxiety you should contact a health care professional a.s.a.p. don’t be scared to ask for help. A lot of people go through times when they can benefit from the help of a trained professional.
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