Back-to-School Guide

The time has come. Stores are shelving paper, pencils and backpacks in prominent places, your parents are eyeing you with a gleam of anticipation in their eyes, and the black X’s on the calendar have all but wiped out August. The back to school rush is something of an ambiguous feeling for most students. You hate for summer to come to an end, yet there is excitement in seeing where the new school year will take you. Regardless of where you weigh in on the bitter or sweet scale, there is no chance of turning back the clock. September is a month of change and moving forward, new beginnings and challenges, and the countdown to next summer.
10 Tips for Getting Ready
1. Go to Sleep.
You need a sizeable chunk of sleep to be mentally and physically prepared for the demands of school. Summer may be one endless party of late nights and midday wake-up calls, but your sleep schedule is about to change drastically. A little preparation goes a long way. Give yourself a week before school starts to regulate your sleep patterns.
2. Eat Right
Nutrition matters. Your brain must be nourished with healthy food choices. If you have existed on a diet of carbonated beverages, hotdogs and potato chips it is time to do your body a favour and add some vegetables. Following a healthy meal plan does not mean a strict diet of tofu and Brussels sprouts, it is all about balance.
3. Reach Out
If you have been away on vacation, or have kept a low profile then take a minute to touch base with some of your friends before school starts. This keeps the awkward hallway greetings to a minimum and gets you in the spirit of higher education, or at least the spirit of socializing.
4. Go Surfing
Check out some new sites on the internet. There are hundreds of websites that offer educational and fun games. National Geographic is science enrichment; Test your geography knowledge with Seterra, a free map game; Learn what innovative people are thinking and doing by watching TED Talks.
5. Read
See if you can get an advance copy of the year’s reading list and get an early start. Or pick up any book and shut down the electronics.
6. Shop
Find some back to school outfits that make you feel confident and ready to face a new school year. Buy something fun for your locker that emphasizes your personality.
7. Organize
Go through your old books, study materials, and papers. Purchase a large calendar and start recording important dates.
8. Find Space
Choose a quiet place in your house to turn into a study zone and furnish it with everything you need to be an organized student.
9. Join a Club
Research the clubs and organization your school offers and think about ones you may wish to join. Make a list of what you want to accomplish in the year and refer to it often.
10. Discuss
Talk to your parents about their expectations of the upcoming year when it comes to grades, curfew, homework schedule, friends, downtime, and employment.
You may be trading in your swimsuit for a backpack and hitting the books instead of the beach, but a positive attitude goes a long way.
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