Choosing Your Perfect Post-Secondary Program

No more writing poetry or reading and interpreting novels for the math enthusiasts, no more complex scientific equations for the creative writers, no more arts or drama classes for the scientists. The time has come to pick a college or university program geared toward your interests and future goals.
In high school you were given the opportunity to pick elective courses. Perhaps you took philosophy or sociology, a language course, physical education, music, culinary arts, or history to satisfy your need for something more exciting than interpreting a symbol in a novel or solving for ‘x.’
College and university allow students to choose a program suited to their interests, strengths and career goals, allowing much more enjoyment than a couple of elective courses. For students interested in science, they have an opportunity to specialize and expand on their high school studies by developing hands-on skills or theoretical knowledge to succeed in a specific area of scientific study.
There are opportunities to study social work, child studies, journalism or advertising, film and media, culinary arts, business, engineering, architecture, dental, law, event planning and countless more.
Finding programs that are of interest to you likely won’t be an issue. To help narrow down the list of programs you will apply to, investigate career opportunities and the likelihood of finding employment in your fields of interest. For example, you wouldn’t want to pursue a Bachelor of Arts and major in English without first knowing how many career opportunities it affords.
Ensuring that you graduate from college prepared to enter the workforce is essential. Is there a demand for the position you’re interested in taking? Do you meet the admission requirements? Are you content with your potential income? If you choose to pursue additional education, are there opportunities?
Choosing a program is an exciting part of post-secondary education. Look for a program that interests you, builds on your current strengths, has exciting career opportunities you’re interested in pursuing and promises a future you’re excited about working toward.
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