Covering Post-Secondary Education Costs

University tuition is a huge expense that leaves many students deep in debt by the time they graduate – especially if they choose to live on their own, either in residence or near campus. Income from summer jobs is difficult to stretch out through the school year. That’s why many students work part-time on or near campus to offset the costs of school.
But even before you begin to peruse employment options, don’t forget to apply for as many scholarships and bursaries you can find for which you are eligible. Search your school’s website for scholarship and bursary information and ask someone at the finance offices for advice. There is often more money available to students through these awards than there are students who apply for them. So don’t let competition dissuade you from applying. You have nothing to lose and money to gain! (Remember that the most important thing to do with any application for scholarships and bursaries is to have someone edit your work before you submit it).
On-campus jobs provide another fantastic source of income to help you pay for the school year. There are a lot more options for work than you might think! Some students with disabilities, for instance, require extra assistance reading journal articles or writing down their thoughts. Look for a resource centre on your campus and ask if you could be hired to help out. The work, which is government-funded, pays relatively well. Check out your university’s administration offices to see what else may be available and ask all of your professors what they recommend.
Off-campus jobs are another alternative means to acquire income as you go to school, but there are things to consider before you apply:
1. How long will it take me to get to and from the job?
2. Will my boss allow flexibility so that I can prioritize my schoolwork?
3. Does what I learn at the job compliment my degree?
4. Can I get something from the job for free that I would otherwise have to pay for, like a gym membership, food or clothes?
5. Will I be able to manage my time effectively enough to juggle a job and school?
It may be a good idea to settle into your classes and develop a homework and study routine before you seek employment. Prioritize your goals and decide how much time you need to commit to your education compared how much time you need to spend earning money.
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