Love Is In the Air

February is here and that usually means one thing – love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is something many of us have been celebrating since we were young, handing out Valentine’s cards to our classmates for fun. Love in high school and junior high can be confusing and exhilarating, causing many of us to experience our first heartbreak. Remember that Valentine’s Day is just supposed to be fun – don’t take it too seriously. You don’t even have to celebrate it at all!
Besides being the month of love, February is also the month of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia. The Olympics encourage us all to come together and celebrate the beauty of sport and to cheer for our respective countries. With Russian politics and policies dominating many of the headlines surrounding these Olympics, it will be a very interesting to watch the games unfold. Will you be watching or will you boycott the Olympics to protest Russia’s laws? Let us know – we want to hear your opinions!
You’re now one month into your latest semester of school. If you need advice and tips on how to be a better note-taker, where you can go to get your required 40 hours of volunteering or simply how to de-stress, has got you covered. Our latest articles and our extensive archives cover anything and everything you need to know to succeed in school and plan your future.
If things get too stressful this month, just remember – March Break is only a few short weeks away!
Jasmin Bollman
Content Editor
Don’t Forget – Be a Mentor. Someone Needs You!
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