Scholarships and Bursaries for Students with Disabilities

You’ve got big academic dreams – they’ve got the funds!
Scholarships are “free money” given to a student for their college education—unlike loans, this money does not have to be paid back. Many private scholarships are available that grant money to students based on their particular strengths, interests, disabilities and other characteristics or qualities. Finding this money can be the hard part, but we’re here to help. The following is a select list of scholarships particularly for students with learning disabilities.
Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities Youth Achievement Award
A $1,000 award for a student with LD and/or ADHD who has demonstrated initiative, talent, and determination resulting in a notable accomplishment in any field–including art, music, science, math, athletics or community service.
The Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Award
Three $6,000 and three $2,000 awards available to high school seniors with LD who demonstrate leadership skills, scholarship and a high level of service to others; must be a member of Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D).
Two $1,000 scholarships for students with LD, one of which is designated for a student pursuing an education and/or a math degree. One ADD/ADHD scholarship will also be awarded.
A renewable $750 award available to high school students with physical, learning, cognitive, hearing, or vision disabilities.
Awards of assistive technology tools (ex. Kurzweil products, Dragon Naturally Speaking and MacSpeech Dictate, Franklin Dictionary) are available to college students diagnosed with LD and/or ADHD. Students must be enrolled at a college/university with the intention of pursuing an undergraduate degree.
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