Scholarships and Bursaries for Aboriginal Students

Bursaries and Scholarships
The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada is dedicated to helping Aboriginals reach the highest standard of excellence in finance and management. AFOA’s initiatives in the development of Awards and Scholarships are examples of that commitment.
See link below for scholarships and bursaries:–training/education/bursaries–scholarships
Want even more options? Check out the scholarships and bursaries for Aboriginal students that we found:
The Aboriginal Canada Portal
Offers an online Aboriginal funding tool that offers a way to search for scholarships, bursaries, loans & grants according to your needs.
Canada Post Aboriginal Education Incentive Award
The Aboriginal Education Incentive Award is part of Canada Post’s nation-wide scholarship program and commitment to furthering individual potential. Each of Canada Post’s eight regions across the country will grant three awards annually: Two $1,000 scholarships for the return to and successful completion of one full year of high school and One $1,000 scholarship for the return to and successful completion of one full year of post-secondary education, including vocational or trade skills training.
FAAY (Foundation for the Advancement of Aboriginal Youth)
FAAY is a scholarship program operated by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business. CCAB is dedicated to developing the future generations of Aboriginal leaders. They have scholarships for high school or post-secondary students.
AMMSA (Aboriginal Multi- Media Society)
Large listing of scholarships and bursaries available to Aboriginal people (including youth) in a variety of educational programs. You can look up educational institutions and find the awards available to their Aboriginal students only.
Royal Bank of Canada Aboriginal Scholarships
Royal Bank offers scholarships to all Aboriginal people and also has a summer placement program as an award to qualified applicants. Royal Bank has employment opportunities for Aboriginal students in grade 9-12 for summer employment.
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