Transition Programs for Students with Disabilities

One of the best ways students can get a sense of what to expect when beginning a post-secondary program is to talk with people who have first-hand experience in such programs. These people may be instructors or administrators at the college or university you plan to attend, or they could be other students who have already made the transition to postsecondary school.
Transition programs are available in many parts of the country, and offer students the opportunity to gather information on the post-secondary experience. There are also initiatives that assist in the transition from school to work, providing valuable opportunities in a workplace environment. Most of these programs are led by students, professors and others from colleges and universities, and some even give participants the chance to spend time living in campus dormitories. Transition programs other than the ones listed here may be available. Contact your local postsecondary institutions to ask if they offer such opportunities.
- Ability Edge
- DiscoverAbility
- Erinoak Kids Independent Living Program
- Skills for Transition Project
- The Independence Program (TIP)
- Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) College and University Preparation Program
- Thames Valley Children’s Centre Post-Secondary Preparation Workshop
- DO-IT Scholars Program
- Online to Success Program
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