NEADS Event Calendar: October 2015

Organizer: Toronto Disability Pride March
Title: 5th Annual Toronto Disability Pride March
Category: Accessibility
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Date: October 3, 2015
Web site:
Description: Why we’re marching:
To bring recognition of the struggles and value of people with disabilities as we fight against ableism and other forms of oppression.
To be visible and show that we have a voice in our community and a right to be heard by taking to the streets.
To celebrate and take pride in ourselves as a community of people with disabilities.
Be Loud, Be Proud, Come March with Us!
Find us on Facebook and Twitter @DisabilityPM
We need volunteers and marshals for the march! If you have experience that is great, if not we still want you!
Organizer: Crohn’s and Colitis Canada
Title: Tests, tests and more tests! – Surviving school…and the doctor’s office – Webinar
Category: Education
Location: Nation-Wide, Manitoba
Date: October 6, 2015
Telephone: 1-800-387-1479 ext. 247
Web site:
Description: For the second year in a row, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada is delighted to once again be hosting a youth-focused webinar series. Supported by an educational grant from AbbVie, the Youth Webinar Series offers four (4) nation-wide live webinars focusing on the needs and interests of high school and post-secondary students living with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis (3 English, 1 French). Attendees will learn more about getting though flare-ups, managing their medical tests and appointments while in school, and how to live life to the fullest with IBD.
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, in collaboration with a panel of medical experts and AbbVie IBD Scholarship winners, brings you the following 2015 Fall webinars:
- October 6th, 2015 @ 7pm EST
Tests, tests and more tests! – Surviving school…and the doctor’s office
Exploring the different medical tests a person living with Crohn’s or colitis faces while having to study for their own tests at school. Experts explain why those medical tests are important to understanding your disease and how you can balance them with your busy school schedule.
For more information and to register, please visit our website:
Or contact:
Charlotte Hall-Coates, Youth Engagement Coordinator, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada | 1-800-387-1479 ext. 247
Organizer: University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus – Inclusive Technology Lab
Title: Open House – University of British Columbia – Inclusive Technology Lab
Category: Education
Location: Kelowna, British Columbia
Date: October 7, 2015
Web site: or email us at
Description: UBC Okanagan Library has a new Inclusive Technology Lab (ITL) for student use. The lab is open now and is located in LIB 101. The ITL is a supportive environment designed to facilitate learning and research through access and training with assistive technologies.
The Inclusive Technology Lab provides students with six assistive technology workstations, a distraction-reduced study space, and an accessible group study space. Additionally, assistive technology can be borrowed from the Library Service Desk, located centrally on the first floor of the Library. Peer and professional support is available to provide orientations and instruction on how to make the most of the technology available.
To obtain access to this lab and/or the borrowing collection of assistive technology, you must follow these steps:
- Get a referral from the Disability Resource Centre by sending the following information to
– Your name and UBC student number
– Your email address
– What you would like to access (the ITL lab, the borrowing collection, or both)
- Complete an orientation in the ITL lab with librarian and Access Services Coordinator Kim Partanen.
The Inclusive Technology Lab will be holding an open house on Wednesday October 7th from 11am-2pm in LIB 101. For more information about the ITL, please visit their website at or email us at
UBC Library
Okanagan Campus
3333 University Way
Kelowna, BC Canada V1V 1V7
Earllene, Deanna, and Amy
Disability Resource Centre
Organizer: The Paul Menton Center & Carleton University
Title: The Art of Access at Carleton University
Category: Accessibility
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Date: October 7, 2015
Description: The PMC is hosting an afternoon celebration this fall. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year and coincidentally universities across Ontario are celebrating the 25th anniversary of disability services offices. Carleton is known as Canada’s most accessible university so we’re pleased to host a commemorative event for these two accessibility milestones. It is our hope that this event celebrate the anniversaries as well as anticipate the work to be done moving forward. The event will feature a collection of musical performances and visual art exhibits to accompany special keynote speakers.
Organizer: WESP
Title: WESP Workshop
Category: Employment
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Date: October 19, 2015 – November 6, 2015
Telephone: 416-260-3060
Web site:
Description: Workplace Essential Skills Partnership (WESP): Toronto’s premier pre-employment program for persons with disabilities operating under the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) – a national not for profit organization dedicated to providing equitable and meaningful employment for persons with disabilities. For more details about registration, please see our event page at or visit our home page at
Organizer: University of Saskatchewan
Title: Assistive Technology and Disability Conference 2015 – University of Saskatchewan
Category: Accessibility
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Date: October 22, 2015 – October 23, 2015
Web site:
Description: Assistive Technology and Disability Conference 2015 – University of Saskatchewan
Presenters will discuss technologies that assist people with disabilities, especially as they transition from Grade 12 to university. The conference will be attended by teachers, therapists, clinicians, parents, and users of assistive technology.
Organizer: University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI)
Title: Universtiy of Prince Edward Island – Day of Inclusion Awareness
Category: Education
Location: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Date: October 22, 2015
Web site:
Description: The UPEI Rainbow Alliance in partnership with UPEISU, Student Affairs,UPEI Student Diversity Office, the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre, Get REAL UPEI, the Mawi’omi Centre, The Graduate Students’ Association (and hopefully more to come!) will be hosting a Day of Inclusion Awareness at UPEI in October. This event will focus on the importance of including everyone, with an emphasis on LGBTQ, Accessibility/Disability and Cultural awareness.
Organizer: Canadian Mental Health Organization
Title: Strengthening our Collective Path – CMHA Nationwide Symposium
Category: Employment
Location: St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Date: October 29, 2015 – October 30, 2015
Web site:
Description: The internal 2015 symposium will be held in lieu of the annual CMHA nationwide conference and unlike our broader conferences that attract external stakeholders and partners, this year’s symposium will only be open to CMHA staff and volunteers. This will allow for sessions and discussions to focus specifically on our nationwide strategic plan implementation, organizational information sharing and shared learning, joint planning and coordination across CMHAs.
For further inquiries please contact Emily Goodacre at 416-813-2285.
Please register at the link provided.
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